Latest News
- Following the publication in October 2023 of the opinion of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on the risks posed by imports of cut flowers of roses for the introduction into the EU of the false codling moth (thaumatotibia leucotreta), discussions are ongoing in Brussels between the European Commission and the 27 EU Member States as regards the appropriate EU regulatory measures to be put in place.
- FPEAK has partnered with the German development agency, Deutsche Ge- sellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). This partnership is based on the Support to East African Community Market Driven and People’s Cen- tered Integration (SEAMPEC) Project.
- The food safety certification scheme comprises three components: the rele- vant Prerequisite Programs (PRP) requirements, ISO 22000 (ISO/TS), and addi- tional FSSC requirements. Of these additional requirements, a new version (ver- sion 6) was published in April of this year and will be audited from April 1, 2024 onwards.
- The European Union will lower the maximum residue limits (MRLs) for oxamyl, with particular impacts on eggplants, melons, and watermelons. For all prod- ucts, the limit of detectation (LOD, the lowest level that can be detected using the most modern and reliable analytical methods) is also being reduced. The changes are due to apply from March 2024.
- Kenya is one of the countries facing a scarcity of underground water resources, and as a result, FPEAK members may need to obtain certification under the Sustainable Program for Irrigation and Groundwater Use (SPRING) version 2 (v2), an extension developed by GLOBALG.A.P. This program focuses on responsible water management at the farm level.
Advocacy & Lobying
FPEAK influences and advocates for a conducive national and international business environment, policies, tariffs and trade agreements on behalf of its members and the horticulture industry in Kenya.
FPEAK links its growers and members to national and international markets. This is made possible through creating direct market linkages, supporting members to attend national and international trade fairs and providing timely market information.
E - Learning Resources
Welcome to the interactive FPEAK e learning portal. Click on the portal link to access the various self-service options and programmes for members.
Capacity Building
FPEAK partners with development agencies and other stakeholders to enhance growers, exporters and service providers capacity along the horticulture value chain.
Compliance & Standards
FPEAK with other stakeholders supports members to comply with national and international market requirements and conventions (official and private standards). FPEAK collaborates with standard owners and implementers to bring compliance closer to Kenyan producers through participation in interpretation and harmonization of standards.
Our Structure
FPEAK is a legal entity registered as a company limited by guarantee.
The activities of FPEAK are governed by an elected Board of Directors consisting of members actively engaged in exporting business.
The Administrative body of the Association is formed by the secretariat, which is responsible for providing services to the members.
The Association operates independently and receives support from partners.
Useful Links
- Horticulture Crops Directorate
- Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service
- Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation
- Pest Control Products Board
- Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
- Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives
- Kenya Bureau of Standards
- KenTrade
- National Environmental Management Authority
- aak-GROW
- Kenya Meteorological Department