Changes to EU and GB Pesticide Maximum Residue Levels.

Following the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU), FPEAK’s monitoring of pesticide regulations now covers MRL changes in both the EU and Great Britan (GB), enabling us to keep FPEAK members and partner-beneficiaries up-to-date.

Note that EU MRLs still apply in Northern Ireland (GB covers only England, Scotland and Wales).

During the period April-June 2022, notifications of MRL changes were issued for the following: 

  • flutianil (EU)
  • sulfoxaflor (GB)
  • cyantraniliprole (GB)
  • and cinmethylin (GB)

The EU and GB have also recently notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) of additional proposed changes involving a further 20 substances including 12 that are key in ACP horticulture (chlorothalonil, cyfluthrin, ethoprophos, fenamidone, propiconazole, pymetrozine, benalaxyl, epoxiconazole, fenamiphos, clothianidin, thiamethoxam and abamectin). Note that comments and concerns can be submitted to the WTO via the national contact points.

How will Kenya producers/exporters be affected?
Changes to EU/GB Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) also apply to products that are exported to the EU/GB. Growers producing for export may need to adapt their practices to meet the new MRL or, if this is not possible, stop using these products and look for an alternative method of pest management. 
What should Kenya producers/exporters do now?
For each use of the plant protection products (PPPs) involved, the Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) in place will need to be checked to ensure compliance with the new MRLs. This is essential to avoid interception and destruction of exported produce at the EU/GB borders.
If you use these PPPs, it is important to liaise with your producer /exporter associations and national authorities to check whether the GAPs you currently apply are still appropriate, and enable you to meet the new MRLs. In most cases, where the MRL is lowered, adaptations to the GAP will be needed (dose rate, number of applications, application method or pre-harvest interval).
If you have any major concerns about these changes, and fear that you will be left without an effective and locally available alternative, please contact FPEAK

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