In its efforts of achieving its mandate, FPEAK works with different partners. These partners span across all sectors; education, government institutions among others. Here is a list of our partners.

AAK Grow

A trade association which acts as the umbrella organization for manufacturers, importers, formulators, distributors and users of pesticides in Kenya.


A government regulatory body which hosts a number of directorates under the Crops Act, 2013 including Horticulture Directorate, Food crops Directorate, Coffee Directorate, Sugar Directorate, Tea Directorate, Nuts & Oils Directorate, Fibre Directorate and Pyrethrum & other industrial crops Directorate.

Agricultural Society of Kenya

A government institution which provides a platform for exhibitions and networking that spur development in agriculture, trade and allied sectors.


An NGO which helps to develop inclusive, sustainable trade in fruit & vegetables and food products, focusing on the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries’ trade with one another and with the European Union.

Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency

A government institution that addresses bottlenecks facing exporters and producers of export goods and services in order to increase the performance level of the export sector; formulate export market strategies and endeavor to promote an export culture; provide a forum for constant dialogue between relevant public and private sector organizations for the purpose of consensus building on issues affecting exports.


A government learning institution which offers quality training, research, innovation and entrepreneurship.


A government parastatal whose responsibility is to assure the quality of agricultural inputs and produce to prevent adverse impact on the economy, the environment and human health.

Pest Control Products Board

A government parastatal that regulates the importation and exportation, manufacture, distribution and use of pest control products.


An international NGO which works in the agricultural and mining supply chains and has successfully engaged with several players across these supply chains such as producers, government bureaus, the private sector and donor community.

Trademark Africa

An NGO that works closely with East African Community (EAC) institutions, national governments, the private sector and civil society organizations to increase trade by unlocking economic potential through: increased physical access to markets, enhanced trade environment and improved business competitiveness
How can we help you?

Visit us at our office in Rhapta Road, New Rehema House, Westlands, call us or submit your inquiry online.

FPEAK has really helped us achieve our goals. As a farmer, the association members help us market our produce at international export markets and also constantly help us build capacity through various training sessions on food safety, good agricultural practices among others.

French bean farmer

Making Kenyan horticulture the global choice