Photo Gallery
You can view all our photos from this section. These photos are taken from different events facilitated by FPEAK.
Update: False Codling Moth in cut roses and EU regulatory measures likely to be implemented
Following the publication in October 2023 of the opinion of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on the risks posed by imports of cut flowers of roses for the introduction into the EU of the false codling moth (thaumatotibia leucotreta), discussions are ongoing in Brussels between the European Commission and the 27 EU Member States
December 13, 2023FPEAK partners with GIZ
FPEAK has partnered with the German development agency, Deutsche Ge- sellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). This partnership is based on the Support to East African Community Market Driven and People’s Centered Integration (SEAMPEC) Project. Under the partnership FPEAK will implement a six-month project that seeks to advocate for creation of “Green Channels” at weighbridges in
December 13, 2023FSSC Version 6 Announcement
The major changes in Food Safety System Certification (FSSC) Version 6 – im- portant shifts and notable updates to the certification standard are: • Changes in the scope structure (categories). • More focus on the review process for raw material and finished product specifications. • Specified criteria for Category I (Packaging manufacturing). • Criteria for
November 21, 2023Maximum Residue Levels For Oxamyl
The European Union will lower the maximum residue limits (MRLs) for oxamyl, with particular impacts on eggplants, melons, and watermelons. For all prod- ucts, the limit of detectation (LOD, the lowest level that can be detected using the most modern and reliable analytical methods) is also being reduced. The changes are due to apply from
November 20, 2023