Simon OdhiamboDirector


Simon is the Executive Head – Corporate Affairs at Kakuzi Plc. Simon is a social scientist with over 18 years experience in developing and implementing socio-environmental management systems, Food Safety Management Systems, Occupational Safety and Health Systems, and has done extensive work with communities in implementing development and relief interventions when he was working at various NGOs. 

Kakuzi Plc is a listed superfoods grower and exporter majoring in Avocados, Macadamia and Blueberries. Kakuzi also has livestock, hay and sustainable commercial forestry operations.

contact details

Nairobi Kenya

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How can we help you?

Visit us at our office in Rhapta Road, New Rehema House, Westlands, call us or submit your inquiry online.

FPEAK has really helped us achieve our goals. As a farmer, the association members help us market our produce at international export markets and also constantly help us build capacity through various training sessions on food safety, good agricultural practices among others.

French bean farmer

Making Kenyan horticulture the global choice