Completed Projects
Here are some of our past completed projects
1. Establishment of Green Channels at Weighbridges and Border Points to Facilitate Movement of Fresh Produce Across the EAC
Partner: GIZ
This project ran from November 2023 to May 2024
Objective: To establish “green channels” at weighbridges and border points to facilitate movement of fresh produce across the East Africa Community (EAC). The project aims to ensure that fresh produce is given priority at weighbridges and border points to reduce the negative impacts caused while on transit.
• A video documentary on the challenges faced during transport of fresh produce across the EAC was developed
• A position paper on the state of logistics in Kenya and the EAC was developed
The video documentary and position paper was presented to the relevant ministries and government agencies to seek the establishment of green channels at weighbridges and border points across the EAC.
2. Reclaim Sustainability! Food Products
Partner: Solidaridad
This project ran from January 2022 to December 2022
Objective: The objectives of this project were to develop policy papers which would help create a favourable business environment, build the capacity of producers to increase awareness on of legal and institutional frameworks governing the horticulture sector, hold high level policy influencing meetings to influence government’s agenda in the horticulture sector and conducting consumer awareness campaigns on food safety, food waste and food loss.
Results: As a result of this project, FPEAK was able to develop policy paper on pesticides use in Kenya, develop position papers on favorable business environments in the horticulture subsector, build the capacity of farmers on market standards like KS 1758 – Horticulture code of Practice, GLOBALGAP among others, conven Multi Stakeholder Platforms in Kajiado, Makueni, Kirinyaga, Meru and Nairobi counties to discuss fair value distribution, CSO strengthening, food safety, food waste and pesticides use in horticultural value chains and develop documentaries;
Food loss and waste management
Food safety
3. Kenya Horticultural Market Access Program
Partner: TradeMark Africa
The project has been running from March 2020 to February 2022
Objective: The objective of this project was to facilitate Kenyan Horticultural Products to get to the export market through capacity building of farmers, pack house staff, development of policy and position papers on various factors which hinder market access. FPEAK was running the project in collaboration with KFC and FPC Kenya.
Results: As a result of this project, FPEAK trained 45 farmer groups on Market Requirements, 137 packhouse staff on Food Safety Management Systems, FSSC 22000 and BRC. The consortium was also able to develop position papers/recommendations on logistics in handling fresh produce in various airports, and ports across the country to AFA-HCD, KEPHIS, AAK, PCPB, County Governments, KEPROBA, KPA, KAA, Kenya Airways, among others. Association staff from FPEAK, KFC and FPC Kenya were trained on M&E, data collection tools and methods on. Project also facilitated the development of the Horticulture Market Information System.
4.Roll out of KS 1758:2016 Horticulture Code of Practice – Part 2 Fruits and Vegetables
Partner: Kenya Crops and Dairy Market Systems
Objective: The objective of this program was to sensitize county agricultural staff and horticulture value chain actors in Kitui, Makueni, Taita Taveta, Kakamega, Bungoma, Busia, Vihiga, Migori, Homa Bay, Kisumu, Siaya and Kisii Counties on KS 1758:2016 Horticulture code of Practice Part 2 – Fruits and Vegetables, Conduct a master training session for the county staff and train horticulture stakeholders/off takers on the standard.
Results: FPEAK was able to create awareness of 301 county staff from the counties that the KCDSM program was running on KS 1758:2016 Horticulture code of Practice Part 2 – Fruits and Vegetables. 37 county staff were taken through a master training session on KS 1758:2016 Horticulture code of Practice Part 2 – Fruits and Vegetables. 361 value chain actors drawn from across the country were trained on KS 1758:2016 Horticulture code of Practice Part 2 – Fruits and Vegetables.
5.Food Security through Improved resilience of smallholder farmers in Kenya and Ethiopia (FOSEK)
Partner: Solidaridad
This project ran from April to July 2019. The project targeted smallholder coffee producers who are beneficiaries of the FOSEK project.
Objective: The objective is to train five hundred and eighty (580) ToTs on food crops production to improve farmers resilience and livelihoods as well as increasing household incomes, improve food security and nutrition, develop a food crop production manual, link the farmers to potential markets.
Results: As a result of this project, we trained over 500 ToTs coffee smallholder producers on selected food crops production from Kericho, Bungoma, Nyeri, Machakos, Makueni, Kiambu, Kirinyaga, Embu, Meru and Kirinyaga counties.
6. Horticulture Production and Standards Awareness
Partner: Joyful Women Organization (JoyWo)
This project ran from January 2017 to May 2017. The project targeted JoyWo members who are farmers and their agronomists.
Objectives: The objectives of the project were to train JoyWo members on Horticultural Production, export compliance and standards and link them to a reliable horticulture market.
Results: As a result of the project, we trained 3,500 JoyWo members on Horticultural production and export compliance from 7 counties (Uasin Gishu, Nandi, Trans Nzoia, Bungoma, Busia, Murang’a and Embu). We also linked them to potential markets.
7. Standards and Market Access Program (SMAP)
Partner: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
This project ran from April 2016 to July 2016
Objective: The project aimed at assisting Kenya to minimize risks and hazards related to agricultural products, enhance the quality of local produce and increase the country’s export basket and its access to new export markets.
Results: The project resulted in training of over 200 ToTs drawn from technical officers of exporting companies, county agricultural officers and farmers on Technical Barriers on Trade, Sanitary and Phytosanitary requirements, GlobalG.A.P and KS1758. Over 400 farmers were trained by these ToTs in a bid to ensure that the information reaches the grassroots. The farmers in turn increased compliance to standards and therefore increased their income.
8. Enhancing Horticulture Industry Competitiveness and Building Capacity with FPEAK
Partner: USAID – Fintrac – Kenya Horticulture Competitiveness Project (KHCP)
This project ran from 2012 to 2015 and targeted farmers and agronomists in the horticulture value chain.
Objectives: The project aimed to influence enactment of a facilitative environment for the horticulture industry through advocacy, capacity building, compliance and market promotion, to create awareness within the horticulture industry on market opportunities, requirements, changes and regulations, to improve small holder farmers production and Agro-processing practices and to develop and manage the Horticulture Practical Training Center (HPTC) in Thika. It also aimed at improving the Horticulture Practical Training Centre (HPTC) facilities i.e. irrigation and nursery equipment.
Results: The project led to benchmarking of KenyaG.A.P. to the then GlobalG.A.P. version 4, over 20,000 farmers were trained directly and indirectly on market standards & Good Agricultural Practices, the HPTC was improved by equipping it with state-of-the-art equipment for irrigation in the flowers, vegetables and fruits units and enhanced infrastructure and demonstration unit capacity at HPTC.
9. Enhancing Market Access for East Africa’s Small-Scale Fresh Produce Farmers Through Standards Implementation
Partner: TradeMark Africa
The project ran from 2012 to 2015 and targeted farmers, agronomist and auditors.
Objectives: The objectives of this project were to develop a localized version of GlobalG.A.P. (Good Agricultural Practices) dubbed East Africa GAP (EAGAP) in Swahili, develop a pool of auditors from across East Africa and trainers on EAGAP and to certify East Africa’s small-holder on EAGAP.
Results: As a result of the project, we trained over eight thousand (8,000) farmers, thirty (30) lead auditors trained, ninety (90) internal auditors and over one thousand five hundred (1,500) farmers certified on GlobalG.A.P. All of these beneficiaries were from across East Africa region (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi)
10. Creating Sustainable Exporter Competitiveness in the Tree Fruit Sector in Kenya
Partner: NTF-II: ITC and CBI
This project ran from 2010 to 2014.
Objective: The objective of the project was to create sustainable exporter competitiveness in the tree fruit sector in Kenya.
Results: The project assisted in developing Commodity Business Plans (CBPs) for Avocado, Mango, and Passion fruit value chains.
11. Enhancing the Capacity of PTC to Produce High Quality Graduates to Manage and Improve Productivity of the Potato Value Chain in Kenya
Partners: NUFFIC – The Netherlands Initiative for Capacity development in Higher Education (NICHE), Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) and Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)
This project ran from 2012 to 2015 and targeted technical officers in the potato value chain in Kenya.
Objectives: The objectives of the project were to increase the capacity of Kenyan smallholder farmers on potato production and to develop a smallholder potato production training manual.
Results: As a result of the project, we developed a smallholder potato production training manual, we trained over forty 40 ToTs and reached over four hundred (400) farmers through farmer field schools.
12. Development and Improvement of Demand Driven Horticulture Training to Contribute Effectively to Commercialization, including Value Addition, Quality Improvement and Extension Services.
Partners: Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) and Demand Driven Research and Training (DDRT) in Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO).
The project ran from 2011 to 2015.
Objectives: The objective of the project was to develop training curricula which would be used to train farmers, students and technical officers in the horticulture value chain.
Results: As a result of the project, we trained over fifty (50) technical trainers, training materials were developed, trainers were equipped with practical training skills, skills to develop a good power point presentation, skills on how to make flyers among others.
13. Establish the Horticultural Practical Training Centre (HPTC)
The project ran from 2009 to 2011.
Objective: The objective of this project was to set up the Horticulture Practical Training Center in Thika.
Result: The Horticulture Practical Training Center set up which provided a world class training center where farmers, technical personnel and government officers would access information and courses on every level of the horticulture value chain.
14. Developing and Implementation of Good Agriculture Practices Standards among Local Suppliers in the Domestic Market, Targeting the Supermarket Channel.
This project ran from 2008 to 2010.
Objective: The objective of this project was to develop and implement Good Agricultural Practices Standards among local suppliers in the domestic market, targeting the supermarket channel.
Result: The result of this project was development of the Kenya.G.A.P. domestic scope, implemented the Kenya.G.A.P. domestic scope among three hundred (300) suppliers and trained on over two thousand (2,000) farmers.